Sell ​​with us

Thank you for wanting to be part of Nylin & Skeppstedt.

We help you all the way to a sale, where we use our website, social media and direct contact with returning customers. Here are some guidelines on how to sell your garments with us.

  • As we at Nylin & Skeppstedt stand behind sustainable fashion, we mainly focus on premium fashion and quality as we believe that these products usually hold up better over time.

  • What you hand in to us must be in the same condition that you want to buy it in, i.e. completely and clean. Therefore, the garment must be washed and odor-free when submitted. The garment must also not have any major damage or holes. In the case of minor damage, we are happy to take a look beforehand to see if it can possibly be repaired.

  • The desirable thing about the products you submit is that they should match the season we are in at the moment. Precisely to make it easier for you as a customer to get your garments sold - but of course we accept whatever you wish to submit.

  • Maximum number of 10 items per month.

  • Handing in takes place during the store's opening hours and upon handing in, Nylin & Skeppstedt provides you as a customer with a handing in receipt via e-mail, where we acknowledge the number of garments handed in and the type of garment you hand in, this will be supplemented with condition and price at the next handling occasion ( see next point).

  • Prior to the sale, Nylin & Skeppstedt evaluates the product(s) and responds via e-mail with a complete delivery receipt where the condition and price have been set. We reserve the right to start the sale 5 days after we have sent the complete submission receipt to your email.
    In the event of requests or other considerations from you as a customer, it will be written over the e-mail as a reply where you received your submission receipt.

  • Your products are advertised for 30 days with us and our vision is to sell them within this time span. If the product is not sold within this period, you as a customer can choose to either donate the garment to charity, extend the sale period at no extra cost or pick up the goods.

  • In the event of a sale, your money is with us until you choose to collect it, or to use it in our physical store or online shop.

  • As a customer, you always receive 40% of the sales value, the total balance you can see on your delivery receipt after condition grading and valuation.

  • If for some reason you wish to pick up the goods within the sales period at N&S after the assignment has begun, you as a customer will be charged a fee of SEK 199.

  • Nylin & Skeppstedt places great importance on giving back, therefore we donate 1% of our total annual profit to charity in addition to the products that are donated.

If you want to sell your clothes or accessories with Nylin & Skeppstedt, you can do it easily by emailing us here or by packing up your goods and leaving them in our physical store at Drottninggatan 25 in Norrköping .
Thank you for your trust!